
Home Services Audit Tax Reports

Tax Reports

As a complement to the revision of financial statements, the auditing job can be extended to ensure compliance with tax regulations.

In our experience, An evaluation of this type acts as a testimony to quality in the eyes of the government. Government agencies will usually channel their client investigations through our offices, making them faster and more efficient and without bothering the taxpayer.

There are two undeniable opportunities to preparing these evaluations:

  1. As part of our auditing process, we carry out a preliminary study which includes a review of our client's fiscal situation. Whenever any irregularity is noted in any partial or complete tax payment, we immediately notify our clients to establish the appropriate corrective measures and when possible we'll suggest certain strategies that will result in savings for the client within the proper fiscal framework.
  2. The Treasury Department will usually request information directly from the auditor in those cases where an evaluation of this sort is presented, so that the taxpayer is not bothered by such. Our ability and professionalism in preparing fiscal reports has contributed greatly to diminishing our client's problems with Treasury authorities.